Panama AirBNB: Curated Top 50 Lists
AirBNB (Adventure Fares Members)
We've put together some TOP 50 lists for some of our favorite areas! This doesn't cover the entire country, but should give you a good start. These lists are compiled based on 1) Location, 2) Reviews / Quality, 3) Value. We don't include any rental properties in our lists that don't score high on all three. And - we're always looking for those special properties that have fantastic views! If we're missing a favorite of yours, please let us know.

Bocas Del Toro, Panama AirBNB List
Boquete, Panama AirBNB List
Panama City, Panama AirBNB List
Pearl Islands, Panama AirBNB List
Portobelo, Panama AirBNB List
San Blas Islands, Panama AirBNB List
Bastimentos Island, Panama AirBNB List
Solarte Island, Panama AirBNB List
Isla Cristobal, Panama AirBNB List
*Adventure Fares doesn’t get paid by AirBNB. Recommendations solely based on customer reviews, experience, location, and prices
How do we select AirBNBs to recommend? We generally review and recommend AirBNB rentals on 4 factors (may vary some by destination):
Reviews - we’ll never recommend a rental that doesn’t have excellent reviews, and doesn’t have enough of a track record to make the list.
Location: We always take a look at “where” the rental is. While there are certainly excellent units outside the areas we look for in cities - we like to be sure we’re giving you units in the best areas.
Value: We like to look at pricing in an area - and only recommend units that are decent to excellent values for what / where you’re renting.
View: We keep an eye out for units that have an excellent view! That’s when we’ll venture a little outside our pricing goals - when a place has an incredibly view you’ll want to consider. Sometimes we might get a little carried away (like when we go through the Santorini list).
So, we won’t ever recommend a place that doesn’t have a fantastic track record of reviews, or is in a bad location - no matter how good the price might seem. And of the units that have great reviews and locations - we’ll single out those with great value, great views, or hopefully both!